International Universities

PT School Acceptance Rate 2024

PT School Acceptance Rate

pt school acceptance rate is 31.41% and this is the average acceptance rate ever gotten. Nearly 363,078 individuals applied to the physical therapy program in the United States in 2021. However, the admission rate was just 114,035 due to an enrollment rate of about 27.71%. Naturally, acceptance rates vary throughout institutions because each one has its own requirements for enrollment.

One of the top physical therapy programs in the country is offered by Northwestern University. Their acceptance rate roughly 9.05% is quite low. However, the majority of applicants aim to be admitted to Northwestern University. This place received about 40,585 applications in 2021. With an admission yield of over 54.61%, they likewise have the highest rate. The physical therapy program is fairly well-liked at a few other universities in addition to Northwestern. They are Emory University, University of Miami, University of Southern California, and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Baylor University, and University of Delaware. Of them, 82.55% is the highest acceptance percentage which was at the University of Iowa.

By what standards do they evaluate students?

Applications to physical therapy schools are ranked according to a number of factors, such as their undergraduate GPA, their performance on the Graduate Record Examination (GRE), their observation hours, their reference letters, their performance in interviews, and their extracurricular involvement.  PT programs are guaranteed to receive applications from individuals who are serious about applying because of their stringent standards.  The probability that a student will finish all the requirements is low if they are not totally dedicated.


Is a bachelor’s degree required?

For their application to be evaluated, candidates must, in the vast majority of authorized physical therapy programs, have completed a Baccalaureate degree.  Graduate-level physical therapy programs lead to the awarding of a Doctorate in Physical Therapy upon program completion.  According to research published in the Journal of Physical Therapy Education (JOPTE) in 2015, having an undergraduate degree did not significantly predict a student’s performance in physical therapy school.

A bachelor’s degree is also another way to distinguish PT school applicants, even though there is compelling data to suggest it is not necessary. However, CAPTE suggests it as a requirement.  Nonetheless, some programs are established as a 3 + 3 curriculum, meaning that after being admitted into the PT program, you earn your Baccalaureate degree after completing three years of undergraduate coursework.  The majority of these 3 + 3 programs are made to find and accept students who have a preferred or fast-track eligibility status for the PT program.  In certain situations, there are additional particular requirements that must be fulfilled at the outset, and admission is tough for first-year undergraduate applicants.

Is it important what my undergraduate major is?

Your chances of being accepted into a PT program are generally not significantly affected by the subject of your undergraduate degree.  According to recent data, there were over a hundred various kinds of Bachelor’s degrees held by students when they entered PT school.  Undoubtedly, certain undergraduate majors may perform a somewhat better job of laying the groundwork required to succeed in physical therapy school, which could affect their ranking position.  Certain degrees concentrate more on material that forms the basis of physical therapy education.  Exercise science, kinesiology, biology, health science, and psychology were the top 5 majors accepted into physical therapy programs in 2018, according to the Physical Therapist Centralized Application Service (PTCAS).


Ultimately, you shouldn’t let the fact that you don’t have a bachelor’s degree in one of those fields deter you from applying to physical therapy programs.

How many students get into PT school, and what is their average GPA?

Employing the GPA is a rather straightforward initial step when so many applications need to be ranked.  The average GPA of candidates accepted into PT programs in 2018, according to PTCAS, was 3.57 (on a 4.0 scale).  In order to apply to most schools, applicants must have a minimum GPA.  While most universities accept applications with a minimum GPA of 3.0, it is best to check with the program(s) of interest as each one may have different criteria.

They can immediately reject those applications due to the minimum, so they don’t have to bother analyzing the other ranking factors in those situations.  After taking into account the GPA, the admission committee will reorder the applicants based on other conditions.

Do I need to take the GRE? What is it?

The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) has question types that mirror the type of thinking required for graduate and professional institutions, and yes, you probably need it, according to ETS, the company that designed and administers the test.  The GRE is a requirement for about 87% of PT programs.  Three sections make up the test: analytical writing, numeric reasoning, and verbal reasoning.  Analytical writing scores range from 0 to 6 (half-point increments), and verbal and quantitative reasoning scores range from 130 to 170 each (one-point increments).  Certain PT schools have minimal GRE requirements for applicants.

You should aim for scores of 4.0 or above on the analytical writing exam, a 155 or above on the quantitative reasoning section, and a 155 or above on the verbal reasoning component in order to compete with other PT school applicants. Visit for additional information about the GRE.

Do observation hours play a big role in ranking?

For admission to more than 70% of PT programs, a candidate must have undergone some observation by a certified physical therapist in multiple settings.  Even though the PT program will record that you have fulfilled this condition, it may cause you to move up or down in the rankings.  Program-specific minimum hours can range from 1 to 200.  Keep in mind that only 10% of applications are accepted, so completing the required amount of hours doesn’t always indicate how committed you are to becoming a physical therapist.  You should air on the side of doing many more hours than the bare minimum advised if you want to increase your chances.

Another strategy to gain an edge over competitors is to ensure that you watch in a range of settings where physical therapy services are delivered.  You will eventually be put in a range of clinical settings, so having some experience observing in such settings will be beneficial.  Acute care hospitals, rehab hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, outpatient physical therapy clinics, and school systems are a few examples of possible places.


Although the aforementioned criteria will be used to rank applications and determine which ones receive acceptance letters, these considerations may provide you an advantage over other applicants who are fighting for the final few seats.  Your community service can leave a positive impression and even separate two equally qualified applicants.  In physical therapy, giving is a major component of what they do. Those who aspire to become physical therapists should have a track record of demonstrating these essential principles.  Having experience as a physical therapy assistant or in another medically related position is another possible path to advancement.

we hope we’ve been able to answer all your questions? If you find this post helpful and you are interested in other international universities acceptance rate, you can check our websites for more information.


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